Greendals Launch: Thank You — Greendals

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St. Louis, Missouri


Greendals are made to order sandals made from used car tires, with a portion of sales benefiting Missouri Stream Team. 


Greendals shoes made from recycled tires. Every pair of sandals is made to order, ensuring that you get a one-of-a-kind pair of sandals with a tread unique to you. 

Greendals Launch: Thank You

Tipper O'Brien

From the start, the idea of building a green footwear company from the ground up has felt like a crazy dream…who knows where Greendals will end up, but getting to today is a win in and of itself.

As we get this thing rolling, I wanted to make sure we thanked a few of the people who made this possible. First off, thanks to Bob Schroeder for a couple years of listening. I can’t believe that a sales guy spent as much time with me as you did, but your thirty years in the shoe business came in handy more than a few times. Who knew working with recycled tires would be so difficult?

Thank you to Independent Die for giving us a place to get things started, and for not asking me “when are you gonna start selling these sandals made from tires?” every other week. Thanks to Saint Louis sandal maker Hoy Shoe, especially Jeff and Ric, for being a great partner (and supplier). Thanks to Kim Nasskau, for your quick turnaround time and consistent upbeat attitude. Thanks to Norvill for sending me the shortest, and most consistent, emails ever.

Thanks to Christian Lindsey. Cnote, I hope we can make you as infamous as the designer of the swoosh for giving your work away...but I wouldn’t count on it. And speaking of the swoosh, thanks to Bowerman, who showed me what a guy can do with a waffle maker. And speaking of design, thank you to Katie Marshall for taking my mess and making it much, much prettier.

Thank you Murph for your thoughts on communications and marketing, I’m sure we’ll be talking again and again. Thank you to Mac French for all the business connections, consumer feedback, and midnight ideas, and thank you to Michael McDonnell and Austin Fitzgerald for being legal eagles with extremely reasonable hourly fees. Thank you to ALL of our wear-testers out there, the feedback wasn’t always easy to take…but you helped us move forward.

Thank you to Elizabeth, for all of your support and making me feel that chasing a dream is a worthwhile endeavor. But most of all, thank you to the people at Missouri Stream Team for making a difference in our watersheds for the last thirty years, pulling thousands and thousands of tires out of our rivers every year. And to everyone that has the perseverance to go out and personally make an investment of yourself, in eco-friendly efforts, however small…in the face of overwhelming odds. It’s that continuing spirit that I hope to capture with Greendals, and infuse into the fiber of the company moving forward.

All that said, I guess the only person left to thank is you, for reading this alllllll the way to the end.

So thanks.
