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St. Louis, Missouri


Greendals are made to order sandals made from used car tires, with a portion of sales benefiting Missouri Stream Team. 


Greendals shoes made from recycled tires. Every pair of sandals is made to order, ensuring that you get a one-of-a-kind pair of sandals with a tread unique to you. 

Greendals On The Joachim Creek

Tipper O'Brien

We had a chance this week to spend some time cleaning the Joachim Creek in Hematite, Missouri with Missouri Stream Team, a Girl Scout Troop, and a group of volunteers. Some pretty amazing finds, including fifty-nine tires in just over a mile of stream. Other finds included 300 pounds of metal, a sprint-car gas tank, a strand of Christmas lights, and an old metal milk tin. Thanks to the team that organized the event and props to those young girls who came out to spend their free time so selflessly.

If you haven’t had a chance to volunteer for a cleanup in your town, I would absolutely recommend it. The overwhelming amount of garbage a group can pull out of a stream during an organized event always surprises me. The things you find are always amazing. And the spirit, of the people, who come together of their own will to make a difference is always incredibly inspirational… no matter how many times you do it.

Our hope is that in the future Greendals can help to fund and take part in more and more stream team events…bringing cleaner waterways in our own backyard and driving excitement about making a difference in yours. Maybe that will spur the next maker of sandals made from used tires, or the like.

Please feel free to reach out to us and let us know what you're doing in your own backyard to make the world a bit better for the rest of us.

Thanks for reading!
