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St. Louis, Missouri


Greendals are made to order sandals made from used car tires, with a portion of sales benefiting Missouri Stream Team. 



Greendals shoes made from recycled tires. Every pair of sandals is made to order, ensuring that you get a one-of-a-kind pair of sandals with a tread unique to you. 

Filtering by Tag: tires

Greendals Goes To Ozark Outdoors

Tipper O'Brien

We had a chance to take a break from shoe making this week and run down to Ozark Outdoors for a combination sales meeting and float trip. Jury is still out on the sales pitch, but it sounds like $40 per pair might be a bit too lofty for the float crowd. We were hopeful that the ties to Missouri Stream Team and eco-friendly nature of the sandal would help to sell it in, especially as the tire tread on the base of the sandals is so visible. Whatever happens, you can’t beat a beautiful day on the Meramec River. Or a beautiful day on the Courtois River, the Huzzah River, and the Meramec River…which is what we did.

Luckily, it was a great day for it and we had a great time on the river, but not before our bus driver made sure we weren’t planning on wearing any body paint on our boat. Apparently there’s a history of that at Ozark Outdoors, and body paint doesn’t wash out of river rafts. Who knew?

Overall, it was a great trip. We even stopped to pull out a few pieces of trash at a sandbar or two. Although the river was much higher than we had anticipated, so not a lot of sandbars to stop at. The best find, no doubt, was a Spongebob Squarepants harmonica…and yes, it still works! Some guy must have been playing it in a pineapple under the sea.

We also discovered Lady Lotta Litterbags from Apparently, she's the spokesperson for river cleanup on those famous orange netted bags. Never noticed the illustration before. This gal has it figured out. I’m not sure about rocking a tiara on the river, but she pulls it off. Party.

Of course, we  took some time to get a few Greendals photo ops. Unfortunately, we couldn’t pry the above tire out of the sand…must have weighed 3 or 4 hundred pounds with the sand…we're gonna do some pushups and try to get him next time.

As always, looking forward to our next float trip.

Thanks for reading,


Greendals Launch : The Purpose

Tipper O'Brien

I've always been inspired by seeing objects given a second life. Old rehabbed cars, record players, quilts made from old t-shirts, factories that turn into lofts, train stations that become malls. And like many Millenials, I've been increasingly aware that through the ease of industrial production we are causing massive change to a world that, will inevitably be fine...we just won't be there to see it.

Greendals is a combination of those two ideas. I wanted to produce something of utility from reused materials, while at the same time helping to do some good for this earth. By pulling tires out of rivers, fields, and junkyards and turning them into sturdy, durable footwear we accomplish both. And, in so doing, we give back part of our profits to the agencies that work, every day, to clean up the mess created by a 21st century world.

But importantly, this doesn't work unless we're profitable. We can't make an impact if we don't sell any shoes. So the purpose of Greendals isn't entirely altruistic, but the end result could be part of the change we all need to get a second life.
